NBA Building

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

NBA Tower Dubai - Innovative Tower

The NBA Bank commissioned us to prepare and analyze innovative, state-of-the-art technical solutions for the Innovative Tower. In cooperation with the German Fraunhofer Institute, the leading German research and development institution, and with the involvement of experts for all areas, a treatise was developed.

This study contains a lot of innovations, sustainability considerations and processes for large buildings and served as a guide for future projects of the client in the region. The results obtained could be implemented in construction projects in the UAE and thus generate competitive advantages and cost advantages for the client.


NBA Building


NBA Tower Dubai - Innovation Tower

The NBA Bank commissioned us to prepare and analyze innovative, state-of-the-art technical solutions for the Innovative Tower. In cooperation with the German Fraunhofer Institute, the leading German research and development institution, and with the involvement of experts for all areas, a treatise was developed.

Diese Studie, beinhaltet sehr viele Innovationen, Nachhaltigkeitsüberlegungen und Ablaufsprozesse für grosse Gebäude und diente als Leitfaden für künftige Projekte des Klienten in der Region. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse konnten bei Bauprojekten in U.A.E. implementiert werden, und so für den Klienten Wettbewerbsvorteile und Kostenvorteile generieren.
